Dr Liz Gillett is the Founder and Director of Connect 2 and of Phoenix Psychology, an established independent psychological practice specialising in trauma. Dr Liz is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist who has expertise in children and families with complex presentations, whether due to multiple needs in the family group, co-existing difficulties and / or contexts such as child protection and alternative care. Areas of clinical specialism include neurodiversity, learning disability and /or developmental trauma.
Dr Liz has held clinical and management positions within the NHS, voluntary and independent sectors for over 30 years; with a national profile as an Expert Witness in Family Court including 8 years as the Child Mental Health Specialist Advisor on the Family Justice Council (Ministry of Justice). Dr Liz has additional qualifications in Organisational Psychology.
With a passion for supporting service development for vulnerable children and families across the health, education and care sectors, Dr Liz adopts a pragmatic approach in recognition of the reality of organisational challenges as workplaces as well as service providers; combining her clinical and management expertise to create targeted psychologically informed solutions. With an enthusiastic, dynamic and down-to-earth delivery style Dr Liz connects to any audience, inspiring a drive to do things differently for the benefit of all.
Jack is the Founder & Director of Connect 2 and also The Mentoring Project. With over 15 years of experience, Jack has been involved in managing, leading, and directing Children's Services as well as secure estates. Throughout this time, he has implemented and overseen various care models. In Jack's perspective, the Connect 2 model brings together the finest elements from numerous models as well as the expertise of Dr. Liz, culminating in the most effective support package for young people.
Having worked with thousands of Young People who are at risk of exclusion, educated in Pupil Referral Units, or struggling with their Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) in Children's services, Jack's approach is rooted in first-hand experiences and reflections from the Young People he has supported.
Jack's contributions extend beyond direct work with young people. He has played a pivotal role in crafting the Violence Reduction Strategy for the West Midlands, undertaking co-production with young people and communities, which was an integral part of the regional strategy.
As a consultant for many Children's Services, Jack is committed to implementing innovative strategies that have the potential to transform the lives of numerous young individuals for the better. Jack also has extensive knowledge of regulatory frameworks in Children's services
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